Minggu, 16 Maret 2014

NetMeter – network bandwidth monitoring

Hi all,

Since I was in the right mood for coding recently, I decided to work on NetMeter again.

The result however is not just an updated version of the familiar NetMeter but some kind of a new beginning. Some old features had to go and some new features were introduced - hence the new name: NetMeter Evo

I started from scratch using the improved IP Helper API available in Windows Vista and later Windows operating systems. Since I didn't want to maintain a fallback path for older OS I decided to drop compatibility with Windows XP and older OS. Microsoft will drop support for Windows XP in 2014 anyway so this shouldn't be a big deal.

Also gone for good is the traffic log and traffic limits. These features were implemented by user request back in the day. To be honest, they never really made sense to me since NetMeter just counts incoming and outgoing bytes from certain network interfaces which also includes LAN traffic. Your router will most likely do a better job at measuring actual internet traffic.

The key features of NetMeter Evo 2.0.0 are:
  • Customizable graph window which can react to mouse movement by fading in or out
  • Graph window can be made 'transparent' for mouse inputs so clicks get passed on to underlying control elements
  • Support for Logitech's G19 and G15 keyboard LCD displays. On the G19 display the graph is identical to the standard graph window. On the G15 a simplified graph is being displayed with upload on the top and download on the lower half of the screen.
  • Graph window can be minimized to system tray and to a Logitech LCD
Download link:
NetMeter Evo 2.0.0

The most significant changes since 0.9.9 are as follows:

+ Added Unicode compatibility
+ More compact GUI design
+ Instruments now have controls for panning, automuting and dynamic pitch shifting
+ Before clearing / deleting / randomizing tracks or patterns the program will now ask for confirmation.
+ It is now possible to clear single tracks or patterns
+ It is now possible to randomize single tracks
+ A Metronome has been added.
+ The open and save / save as functions now have a log display
+ The log display has been improved. It still looks like MS-DOS but that's how i like it... ;-) 
+ If you open an existing project and Sonitus Mortis can't find certain samples it will ask you for the path to the missing sample(s).

For more details please see the included ReadMe.txt

Download links:
Sonitus Mortis 1.1.0 (beta) Installer
Sonitus Mortis MP3 Demo Song

The demo MP3 was created using the small project included in the installer.
If you want to know how the program works i recommend opening this demo project.
After installation you can find it here:

Vista/Windows 7: 'C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Sonitus Mortis'
Windows 2000/XP: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Application Data\Sonitus Mortis'

Also please note that the ReadMe.txt now includes a small beginners guide.


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