Selasa, 11 Februari 2014

Miranda – chat client

The Miranda IM team is proud to introduce Miranda IM v0.10.21. Miranda IM v0.10.21 consists of security and bug fixes to Miranda IM. It is highly recommended that users upgrade to take advantage of the latest changes. Below, you will find a complete list of the issues addressed in this release. Miranda IM is the […]
The Miranda IM team would like to wish all of our Miranda IM members a Happy New Year! We look forward to another year of open source development.
The Miranda IM team is proud to introduce Miranda IM v0.10.20. Miranda IM v0.10.20 consists of security and bug fixes to Miranda IM. It is highly recommended that users upgrade to take advantage of the latest changes. Below, you will find a complete list of the issues addressed in this release. Miranda IM is the […]

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